Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Parent Teacher Conferences

Thursday April 4th and Friday April 5th are parent teacher conferences. If you did not see a paper with your conference time, please email you child's teacher. Both Thursday and Friday will be half days for students and they will be dismissed at 11:20. We look forward to seeing you and sharing all their hard work with you!
Mrs. Kalloch:

Ms. Nealey:

Mrs. Burke:

Ms. Gallagher

Friday, March 15, 2019

Kindergarten News
Curriculum Updates

Reading: We have been working on a unit called bigger books, bigger reading muscles.
In this unit students will now be encouraged to use their "super powers" to read those
difficult books. In this unit they will grow their bank of reading strategies to help them
face the challenge of new books. The unit will capitalize on student reading knowledge
including knowledge of letter-sound correspondence, comprehension, and fluency.

Writing: .We have been writing our “How-To” information books and will publish this
week. Then we will begin opinion writing- in a unit called”Making our School a Better
Place.” This unit is designed so that children do lots and lots of persuasive writing.
They will write posters, signs, songs, petitions, and letters about problems they see
in their classroom or school.

Math: During the month of March, we are reviewing previously taught math concepts
and assessing for progress reports. Other topics include: 3-D shapes, Representing Data,
Estimation, Representing Numbers in Different Ways, Number Stories, & Addition

Integrated Studies:  We are learning about  Forces of Motion. Through hands on
activities we will learn about; How things move, pushes and pulls, gravity. simple
machine, and magnets.

Important Dates

Wednesday Dismissal 1:50
Musical Concerts
3/15/19 Riverton Skate Night @ Happy Wheels
3/22/19 End of 2nd  trimester.