Monday, November 23, 2020

Remote Plans for November 24 &30


Good Morning Kindergarten Families! This is a very short week for Talbot students, only 2 days of learning. One in person day and one day of remote learning. There will be no school in person or remote Wednesday-Friday. We will see you again on Monday, November 30th. 

If your child is wanting to do extra work at home during this time(or YOU want them to!)  they can always go on Epic, IXL, Raz-Kids, iread and of course read books from their book bags. We hope that you enjoy this time with your families!

Week of November 23rd

Please have your child check their SeeSaw on remote days!

Remote Day

                          Literacy & Math


O Check SeeSaw for the days activities

O Writing: The Write Spot: “I See” Activity

O Phonics: Snap Words a & like

O Reading: Book Bags, Sam is a dog.

O Math: Compare Cards

Snap Word "Like"

Thankful Song

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Wednesday Announcements!

 Happy Wednesday!'s a cold one today! If you go outside today be sure to bundle up. Also be sure that you check in on your SeeSaw today to see the activity board All About Turkeys. You will learn some interesting facts, you could do a drawing activity or listen to a story. 

Below are today's announcements from Mrs. Hanna and a fun movement activity from Koo Koo Kangeroo called Brrrrrr!

Have a Wonderful Wednesday! 

Monday, November 16, 2020

November 16-20 Remote Plans

Good Morning Kindergarten Families! We hope that you had a wonderful weekend and were able to get outside to enjoy the sunshine! Just a reminder that we are outside for a good chunk of the day and as we reach mid November the temperatures are starting to cool.

Please dress your child in warm clothing! Layers are great if you haven't dug out the heavy jackets yet. We have hats and gloves that stay at school for your child but please bundle them up before they leave in the morning. We don't want anyone to be cold while we are doing our best to stay safe during this time. 

Here are the remote plans for the week. You will find links to educational videos here as well.

Remote Day

                          Literacy & Math


O Check SeeSaw for the days activities

O Writing: Draw a picture of your family & write a sentence about them (for example: I love my Grandma and brother.)

O Phonics: Label and Color Jungle Fun

O Reading: Book Bags, read and record.

O Math: Making Groups of More and Fewer

Label Review

Let's Compare Numbers


Check SeeSaw for Activity Board and practice reading sight word stories 


O Check SeeSaw for the days activities

O Writing: Label It Activity

O Phonics: “me” snap word book

O Reading on Epic ( and book bags.

O Math: More, Fewer or Same As

Snap Word-Me

Sesame Street- More, Fewer, Equal

Sunday, November 8, 2020

November 9-13 Remote Learning Plans

Good Morning Talbot Families! Below you will find the remote learning plans for the week. Please make sure that your child is either doing packet work or the work that is assigned on SeeSaw. Remote days are still days for learning and practicing skills! This week we are focusing on vowels and consonants, comparing numbers, working with rhymes, picturing what we want to write and reading books all the way through. Phew! We are VERY bust in Kindergarten!

There are clickable links on the plans that we take you to activities for extra practice. 

Remote Day

                          Literacy & Math


O Check SeeSaw for the days activities

O Writing: Write about your favorite fall activity

O Phonics: Color Vowels and Consonants

O Reading: “In the Box” book

O Math: More or Less

More or Less

Counting Number to 20


Check SeeSaw for Activity Board and practice reading sight word stories 


O Check SeeSaw for the days activities

O Writing: Label It Activity

O Phonics: Bicycle Buddies

O Reading on Epic (

O Math: More or Less

Rhyme Room

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Wednesday November 4th

Good Morning Talbot Families! We hope that you have a Wonderful Wednesday of remote learning today. Make sure you check in on SeeSaw for today's activities and remember you can always visit IXL, Epic, or RAZ-kids to do even more practice at home!

 Please see our morning message from Mrs. LeSieur below.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Remote Videos

 Good Morning Talbot families! This week in Kindergarten we are starting our Reading and Writing Workshops. We have worked so hard on our letters and sounds for the first weeks in Kindergarten and now it's time to put what we've learned to use! We will be writing beginning sounds to label pictures that we draw and doing sorts by beginning sounds to reinforce what we have learned.  In math we have just started unit 2 and our focus today is counting with a tool that we all have, our fingers!

Below are some videos for you to watch today. The first is a read aloud called Arnie the Doughnut, the second is a beginning sounds song, then a finger counting math video and last a Cosmic Kids Minecraft Yoga adventure! Have a terrific day 😀