Good Morning Kindergarteners!
It's the last full week of January, can you believe it?!?!? This week we are working on writing pattern books, using our reading super powers and math story problems. We are busy busy in K!
Please have your child check their SeeSaw on remote days. The activities below are for your child to do if you cannot access SeeSaw and to provide more hands on activities to develop their fine motor skills. You can find links to the videos by accessing on our K blog through the Talbot site (Academics, Kindergarten Page)
Remote Day |
Literacy & Math |
1 | O Check SeeSaw for the days activities O Writing: The Write Spot O Phonics: “at” and “ap” words & iread O Reading: The girl has a cup, “Do You Have A Pet Like Me?” sight word story, Reading Log O Math: Subtract with Objects
Wed | Check SeeSaw for Activity Board and practice reading sight word stories |
2 | O Check SeeSaw for the days activities O Writing: Write About It! (use w/ January Words) O Phonics: Match and Trace Rhymes & iread O Reading on Epic ( and Sight Word go, Reading Log O Math: Use Objects to Show Stories