Saturday, September 11, 2021

Week of September 6th

 Hello Families,

We've had another busy week in Kindergarten! This week we focused on the letters C,D,E, and F. We learned all about the sounds that the letters make, how to form the letters and brainstormed some words that start with that sound. We're also continuing to learn all about books and their different parts. We discovered that we have a spine and so does a book! It's what helps to keep the book from falling apart, super important.


In math we continued to explore different math tools. We used geo blocks to build houses, a school, a bus, a train, even a couch! We also talked about 5 frames and used 2-color counters to fill the frame up in different ways.

An exciting discovery took place during a morning wiggle break this week too. Mrs. Kalloch's class found a praying mantis in the sand box. The class decided that it wasn't the safest place for it to be so we brought it over to the garden. This insect has a long neck and a triangle shaped head and their green color helps them camouflage with plants. Pretty cool.

Be sure to check back next week to see all of the learning fun happening in Talbot Kindergarten!

Friday, September 3, 2021

Our First Kindergarten Days

Hello Kindergarten Families!

We had a busy couple of days in Kindergarten! We kick off our year with a literacy program called Kindergarten Jump Start. Be sure to ask your child about the letter of the day or book knowledge that they have learned. This week we focused on the letters A and B, listening for the sounds that they make and the shape of the letters when we write them. For book knowledge we talked about the front cover and back cover of a book. Which is super important. You don't want to open a book the wrong way and the cover helps you know which way to start!


 In math we explored connecting cubes and pattern blocks. We also shared what we thought math was. What do teachers do during math? What do students do during math? We had some great ideas and had some great conversations in our classroom community.



Make sure to check back to get a peek into our classrooms and see what we're doing in Kindergarten.