Saturday, January 29, 2022

January Update and Some Remote Learning Fun!

 Hello Kindergarten Families. January has been busy and it's almost over with no updates! We will be remote on Monday January 31 due to the storm we're getting this weekend, so a couple of fun learning videos will be at the end of this page for you watch if you want. Be sure to check SeeSaw for you assignments for the day and check in with your teacher on Google Meets.


In the month of January we started working on opinion/persuasive writing. This means we are trying to think of reasons why something is the best or why we would chose a certain item. An example is, "What do you think is the best hat to put on a snowman?" Simple questions like these help us to form opinions and give reasons to back up our choices. We will continue to work on expressing our opinions into February. In Math we have been writing and recognizing expressions. We have become  really good at adding and subtracting! Kindergarteners have also been coming up with their own story problems. We will be wrapping up the current math unit this week.

During reading, our focus has been on our super powers. Retell Power, Pointer Power and Picture Power have helped us to become even better readers. This powers can be practiced at home too! In phonics word families have been the focus. We take a word like bin and replace -b with -p to make the new word, pin. Kindergarteners have been doing a great job with word families and will explore new endings this week.

Do we think Phil will see his shadow on Wednesday? Learn more about groundhogs and the holiday below!

Stay tuned for more updates and more pictures from our classrooms. We didn't take many in January, we were so busy :)