Curriculum Updates
Reading: We are finishing up Kindergarten Jump Start! We have had a letter of the
day everyday where we focus on the letter identification, letter formation,
and letter sound. We are starting Reading Workshop this month, the first unit is
called “We are Readers!” The goal of this unit is to create kids who want to learn to read
and who believe that they can do it.
Writing: We think, We Draw, We Write!
We have begun the writing workshop! We are learning that writers can write a story by
1.) Thinking of something that you want to write about
2.) Make a picture in your mind
3.) Drawing the story across pages of paper.
We are also learning to stretch out our words to hear as many letter sounds as we can.
This helps us write stories just like the authors we read everyday.
Math: This month we are extending early counting experiences by counting sets
of objects in different arrangements. We have introduced a tool called a “ten frame.”
Students will use ten frames to see and show numbers in a variety of ways. We are
playing math games to reinforce skills and develop problem-solving techniques.
We are working on strategies to solve number stories by using objects and drawings.
We are working to identify properties of shapes and recognizing the same shape in
different sizes and orientations.
Integrated Studies: Apples, Pumpkins, Fall changes, Fire Safety