Monday, November 4, 2019

Curriculum Updates

Reading: We are working on retelling old favorite storybooks! We have been practicing retelling familiar books.
We are encouraging you to read many books to your child and have them bring the books in to share and retell
to the class! We remind the students to look at the pictures, remember and read!  They are encouraged
to try and remember some of the exact words the characters say and to sound like the character when
they’re “reading” or retelling the book.

Writing:  We have been writing great stories! We learned to plan out our pages, sound out words , write labels
and even make our characters talk using speech bubbles! Next week we finish our narrative writing and will
start writing like scientists! We will zoom in on details to describe science objects like acorns, pinecones, leaves,
and gourds. We will “Notice”, Wonder”, and “Think about” attributes of these objects and describe them in detail.

Math: Everyday Mathematics Unit 3
   Using ten frames to show combinations of ten
   Writing and representing numbers
   Measurement- length
   Positional language (under, above, between, etc.)
   Numeral recognition and sequencing numbers
   Greater than/ less than
   Students will continue playing games to deepen their understanding of numerals. In “Spin a Number”
and “Number Squeeze,” they will practice recognizing and comparing numerals.

Integrated Studies:  Our Community, Pumpkins, Fall Changes

Important Dates
 Wednesday Dismissal 1:50

Nov 7th Flu Clinic 

Nov 11th- No School, Veterans Day

Nov 21  & 22- Early Dismissal at 11:20 for Parent Teacher Conferences

Nov 27-29 - No School, Thanksgiving Break