Thursday, April 30, 2020

Thursday April 30th

Good Morning Boys and Girls! Today is Thursday, April 30, 2020.
Did you know that today is the last day of April? Wow the months are flying by and you are learning so much! To continue our all about learning check out the videos below. No spiders today. Today it's something cute and cuddly....kittens/cats!

Please see today's announcements below.

Turn and talk: What is your favorite furry animal?

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Wednesday April 29th

Good Morning Boys and Girls! Today is Wednesday April 29, 2020.
You are doing such great work on SeeSaw! It's amazing how much you know about so many topics! Today we're going to learn a some facts about.....SPIDERS! Eeeeek! Not everyone's favorite creature to come across but they are important! 

Please see today's announcements below.

Check out the videos below to learn more about spiders.

Turn and Talk: Spiders have 8 legs, can you name something that has half as many legs? (4)

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Tuesday April 28th

Good Morning,
Today is Tuesday, April 28th 2020.  We loved seeing the work that you've done with your All About writing. Kindergarteners seem to be experts on many things!

Please see today's announcements below.

While we're focusing on non-fiction, check back here for some helpful All About videos. Today you can learn a little about bats.

Turn and Talk: What are somethings that can fly?

Have a great Tuesday!

Monday, April 27, 2020

Monday April 27th

Good Morning! Today is Monday, April 27 2020.

Please see today's announcements below!

We are going to start focusing on non fiction topics in Reading and Writing this week. Do you know the difference between Fiction and Non Fiction? Check out this song by Harry Kindergarten to learn more!

Turn and Talk: What is a fiction book that you've read? 

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Thursday April 16th

Good Morning! Today is Thrilling Thursday!
It is our last day of school before April Break. We will be on "vacation" April 17-26. Today is also National Wear Your PJs Day!
Please see today's announcements below

Don't forget to log onto SeeSaw, this will be the last day of assigned work until after break!

This is a great time for you to relax and take a break from the hard work that you've been doing. Here are some activities that you could try while on your April Break.

First up, Choose Your Own Virtual Vacation! How fun is that? Where do you want to go? Disney World? Italy? New York City? Mrs. Kalloch had a trip planned to Paris and Mrs. Burke had a trip to Florida planned, this is a perfect way to still feel like you're on vacation! 

Our list of At-Home Activities:

Indoor Activities

  • Read to a sibling or pet or stuffy
  • Use pillows and blankets to build a fort
  • Play a board game
  • Make up a secret handshake with someone.
  • Play a card game
  • Play hide and seek
  • Hide a toy and give someone clues to find it
  • Draw a picture for someone
  • Play with your pet
  • Make a cootie catcher
  • Help your family cook or make lunch
  • Write a letter to a friend and save it to mail to them later
  • Put on a play
  • Rearrange your bedroom
  • Make a comic book
  • Make a scavenger hunt

  • Cuddle up with a pile of books and read

  • Put on a puppet show (all you need are stuffies 
or socks or paper lunch bags!)
  • Do a puzzle
  • Play Charades
  • Make birthday cards so you have them when you 
need one for someone
  • Look at old family photos
  • Play dress-up
  • Write in a journal
  • Find a cozy corner and tell stories
  • Make some bookmarks
  • Make slime
  • Help clean the house

Indoor Movement Activities

  • Make up a dance and teach it to someone
  • Build an obstacle course and move your way through it
  • GoNoodle
  • Just Dance
  • Make up a gymnastics routine (headstand, cartwheel, somersault) 
  • Do some yoga poses
  • Follow the leader (jump, skip, stomp)
  • Play Freeze Dance
  • Do some jumping jacks or bunny hops
  • Clean-up dash: Time each other for one minute cleaning up as much as you can.
  • Hallway bowling
  • Play music and have a dance party

Outdoor Activities

(Only with people you live with)

  • Play tag
  • Ride your bike or scooter or skateboard 
  • Jump rope
  • Draw with sidewalk chalk
  • Go for a walk and look for signs of Spring
  • Play soccer or basketball
  • Play Catch 
  • Do a rain dance (or a sun dance)
  • Go on a bug hunt
  • Go bird-watching
  • Help with yard work (raking, etc.)
  • Blow bubbles
  • Turn your yard into an obstacle course
  • Take photographs of nature



Have a great break! We can't wait to see you in a week :)

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Wednesday April 15th

Good Morning! Today is Wondrous Wednesday!
Please check out our Morning Announcements below!

Remember to log onto SeeSaw to see your daily activities. 

Today is national Reach as High as You Can Day! How high can you reach? Can you reach the top of your door frame? Can you reach the top of your refrigerator? How high CAN you reach?

Try this silly reach up high song! 

Turn and Talk: What are some things that are tall?

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Tuesday April 14th

Good Morning Boys and Girls! Today is Tremendous Tuesday! Do you know what Tremendous means? It's a fancy word for BIG.

Please check out our Morning Announcements below!

Don't forget to visit SeeSaw today! There are a ton of fun learning activities waiting for you.

Today is national look up at the sky day! If you can pop outside for a moment or look out your window, look UP! What do you see? Is it cloudy today? Or blue skies? Can you see an airplane or birds flying?

Turn and Talk: What are some things that you might see in the sky?

Monday, April 13, 2020

Monday April 13th

Good Morning! Today is Marvelous Monday! We hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

Please see our Morning Announcements below.

Also be sure to check in on SeeSaw today!

Today is national Scrabble Day. Do you know about the game scrabble? It's a word building game that you play with a partner to see who can build the most words. It's super fun but can be challenging.  Check out this Jack Hartman video with "jump out words" like our snap words you just know them in a snap!

Turn and Talk: What are some words that are easy to spell?

Friday, April 10, 2020

Fun Friday! April 10th

Good Morning Rhymers! Today is Fun Friday!

Please see our Morning Announcements below.

We miss you Riverton Kindergarten!

Don't forget to check in on SeeSaw!

To finish up our Poetry Week check out the Between the Lions episode below.

Turn and Talk: Can you think of two words that rhyme?

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Thursday April 9th

Good Morning! Today is Thoughtful Thursday.

See our Morning Announcements below.

Don't forget to check in on SeeSaw!

To continue our poetry week check out Shimmer a book of night time songs! Remember that songs can be a type of poem because they have that rhythm and some have rhyme. Do you think you could write a simple song/poem?

Turn and Talk: What is your favorite song?

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Wednesday April 8th

Good Morning Guys and Gals! Today is Wonderful Wednesday!

Please see today's announcements

Don't forget to check in on SeeSaw!
Sometimes poems can be silly rhymes. Listen to the silly rhymes below, some of them don't even make sense!

Turn and Talk: What is the silliest sound you can make?

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Tuesday April 7th

Good Morning Boys and Girls! Today is Terrific Tuesday!

Please Check below for today's announcements.
Don't forget to check in on SeeSaw!

We are continuing to look at poetry today, for National Poetry Month.
Mr. Rogers was a very kind man who had a TV show and he was also the creator of Daniel Tiger. Have any of you seen Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood or Daniel Tiger? Mr. Rogers always wanted to share kindness and art to people of all ages. He was a very creative man and wrote a bunch of poems and songs.

One of my favorite poems/songs by Mr. Rogers is, It's You I Like.  They read it in the video above but poems can also be sung, below you can watch a clip from Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood where he's singing the song.

Turn and Talk: What is something that you like about a friend?

Monday, April 6, 2020

Monday April 6th

Good Morning! Today is Magical Monday!
Check out today's announcements below.

Did you know that April is National Poetry Month? Most of the poems that we read in Kindergarten have rhythm and rhymes. Below you can learn more about different types of poetry.  Remember to check in on SeeSaw today!

Robert Frost is a very famous poet who wrote a lot about New England, the area of the United States where Maine is! Listen to The Road Not Taken below.

 Robert Frost writes about making a choice between paths, which would you chose?

Turn and Talk: Have you ever been given a choice between two things?

Friday, April 3, 2020

Friday April 3. 2020

Good Morning! Today is Fabulous Friday! It's Decades Day at Riverton school. Did you dress up from a favorite decade?

Morning Announcements:

Below you'll find some fun decades videos. A decade is 10 years! Make sure you check in on SeeSaw to see the work that is assigned today.

Turn and Talk: What is something you can eat for breakfast?

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Thursday April 2

Good Morning Boys and Girls! Today is Thursday April 2, 2020.

Remember to check on your assignments on SeeSaw! You have been doing a great job with your online learning. We loved seeing you addition and word work practice yesterday!

Here are today's Morning Announcements

It's a rainy day today but they say April showers bring May flowers! Watch the video below to see what else plants need to grow!

Teen Numbers are tricky but you're doing a great job!

Turn and Talk: What are some things that you can do when it's raining outside?

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

April Fools' Read Aloud :)

Good Morning Boys and Girls! Today is Wonderful Wednesday!
It is the first day of April. So here is our new April Song (the more we get together tune)

Oh, A-P-R-I-L, it's April, it's April
Oh, A-P-R-I-L, it's April my friends
When green leaves are showing 
And flowers are growing
Oh, A-P-R-I-L, it's April my friends.

Here is Mrs. Hanna's Announcement

The first day of April is also April Fools' Day. It's a day to be extra silly and see if you can fool or trick someone in a fun way, not a mean way.

Here is a silly read aloud for April Fools' Day

Turn and Talk: Do you know any jokes?

Have a great Wednesday and remember to check in with your class on SeeSaw!