Wednesday, April 1, 2020

April Fools' Read Aloud :)

Good Morning Boys and Girls! Today is Wonderful Wednesday!
It is the first day of April. So here is our new April Song (the more we get together tune)

Oh, A-P-R-I-L, it's April, it's April
Oh, A-P-R-I-L, it's April my friends
When green leaves are showing 
And flowers are growing
Oh, A-P-R-I-L, it's April my friends.

Here is Mrs. Hanna's Announcement

The first day of April is also April Fools' Day. It's a day to be extra silly and see if you can fool or trick someone in a fun way, not a mean way.

Here is a silly read aloud for April Fools' Day

Turn and Talk: Do you know any jokes?

Have a great Wednesday and remember to check in with your class on SeeSaw!

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