Hi Kindergarten Families!
Wow! We have been busy in Kindergarten! Todays marks the 50th day in Kindergarten! Can you believe it? Days are getting shorter and temperatures are starting to drop. Please make sure that you send your child to school with layers! A warm jacket or a sweatshirt in addition to their school outfit is always a good plan, we go outside everyday! Please reach out to your child's teacher if you need warm clothing for your child and we will see what we can do! We look forward to seeing you this week for parent teacher conferences. We have A LOT to share with you.

We started a new math unit on geometry. We are learning all about shapes! Exploring pattern blocks, making shape designs and reading a lot of books with shapes in them. We even went for a shape hunt to see what shapes we spied in our classrooms. In reading we have been retelling familiar stories and acting them out. The Three Billy Goats Gruff is a class favorite!

During our phonics time we have been listening to beginning sounds and learning lots of new "snap words". We've been practicing snap words so much that we've starting using them even more in our writing!

In science we just finished our Pumpkin Unit and learned all about the life cycle and different types of pumpkins. Did you know that some pumpkins grow so big that you can use it as a boat? Pretty cool. An ongoing project that we're doing in kindergarten involves decomposition. We read the book Pumpkin Jack and decided to do our own experiment. Check out Jack on day 1 and on day 16. Yikes! He's fuzzy.

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