Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Remote Learning Kickoff

Top of the Morning to you! Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all of you who celebrate the holiday and welcome to our first day of remote learning. You will be able to pick up packets for you child tomorrow with plans and materials for remote learning.

During this stressful time it's important to maintain as much normalcy as possible, in the classroom your children need and rely on routines. It may be a good idea to set up a daily schedule with your child and post it somewhere in your house. A sample schedule that a colleague and mother made with her children looks like this:
8:30- Breakfast/Get Ready for "School"
9:00 - Family Meeting
9:30 - Reading
10:00- Snack and Movement break
10:30- Writing
11:00- Lunch/Brain Break/Craft/Outside Time
12:00- Quiet Time (book reading, coloring, nap)
12:30- Math
1:00- Word Work
1:30- Play with cats
2:00 - Read Aloud
2:30- Choice Time
3:00- Watch zoo animals on Cincinnati zoo's facebook page

This is just something that works for this particular family, if you don't have cats you can't put that on the schedule but you get the idea!

 Below you will find a couple of read alouds  for today to celebrate the Saint Patrick's Day holiday. 

The Luckiest Leprechaun is a tale about friendship

Questions to ask your child: 
Why do you think that Mackenzie O'Shamrock changed his mind about liking the dog?
What made Mackenzie the luckiest leprechaun?
What do you think is more important than gold/money?

The Gingerbread Man and Leprechaun Loose at the School!

Questions to ask your child:
How would you trap a leprechaun if he was loose in your house?
How was the leprechaun causing mischief?
If you caught the leprechaun what would you ask him for?

Saint Patrick's Day Counting Video

Turn and Talk: What are some things that are green?

Have a great Tuesday! Remember to check back tomorrow for some more videos and information.

And please leave us a comment or any questions below! 

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