Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Remote Plans December 8th-14th

 Good Morning Talbot Families!

This week we are going to learn about Hibernation on our activity board Wednesday so be sure to check SeeSaw for the link! You have all been working so hard at stretching out words and really listening for the sounds that you hear. This helps you become great readers and writers! You can practice that at home too when you are doing your remote work! This week during math time we will continue to compare numbers and recognize quantities.  What are some ways you could compare at home? You could look at the number of pillows on your coach or bed to see which has more. You could see if you have more hardcover books or paperback books. You could be a weather checker and see how many cloudy days there are in a week compared to sunny days. There are so many different ways to practice your skills at home.

Parents: You may want to take a look at this site for some at home ideas. There is a whole section for parents/caregivers that can offer tech help, routines, math and reading activities and so much more. Completely optional of course but it's a great resource.

Please have your child check their SeeSaw on remote days. The activities below are for your child to do if you cannot access SeeSaw and to provide more hands on activities to develop their fine motor skills.

Remote Day

                          Literacy & Math


O Check SeeSaw for the days activities

O Writing: The Write Spot: “I like the”

O Phonics: We like to play & iread

O Reading: Jan is sad. Book Bags, Sight Word my

O Math:  What’s Missing?

The Word Machine


Check SeeSaw for Activity Board and practice reading sight word stories 


O Check SeeSaw for the days activities

O Writing: Bear and Deer writing paper 

O Phonics: The Bear cut and write & iread

O Reading on Epic (getepic.com) 

O Math: Which is more?

O Science: Winter Words - Hibernate & Den ( continue in book from last week)

How Many Are There?

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