Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Remote Learning Plans Week of February 9th

Good Morning Families!

Please see our remote plans below. This week we are celebrating the end of our pattern book writing. We have all worked really using patterns in our writing and adding a twist at the end. This skill has also helped us recognize patterns in our reading. So many books that we read have patterns and twists too! We are also continuing to study word parts and have been changing the first letter of a word to make a new one, like HAT take away the H and add a C you now have CAT!  During math we are practicing addition and subtraction through stories and expressions. Our brains are growing so much!


Remote Day

                          Literacy & Math


O Check SeeSaw for the days activities

O Writing: Make a list of the friends or family you are thankful for

O Phonics: an and ad sort & iread

O Reading: The cat has a hat,  sight word story “They Go Up,” Reading Log

O Math: Math expressions and Drawings


Check SeeSaw for Activity Board and practice reading sight word stories 


O Check SeeSaw for the days activities

O Writing: Write a letter to a friend or family

O Phonics:Icy Investigation & iread

O Reading on Epic (getepic.com) and Sight Word in, Reading Log

O Math: Find the Value


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